
Perkis System.

In my Blackberry vs. iPhone post, I listed some of the greatest rivalries of all time and one of them happens to be "Tony Perkis vs. fat kids".

If you don't know what I'm referring to, I will judge you...harshly.
As far as I'm concerned, you aren't even a real American if you haven't seen "Heavyweights".

Educate yourself:

"Come on you devil log!"
"Attention. Lunch has been cancelled today due to lack of hustle. Deal with it."
"How you doin' Lil Tony? Bad."

"Hey, I like comedians. Perhaps I can book you on a tour."


  1. "his life is dedicated to saying things like 'yes' and 'you better believe it'". i swear i love this movie. i wish i had it on DVD.

    and yes asamp...its truly underrated!

